There are 2 ways to install it, and I recommend the first.Run the following command in a terminal.Download the code from the GitHub releases.As of now, this script supports 3 postal maps.
It will automatically remove the route when within 100m of the destination Updates 1.5 To draw a route to a certain postal, type /postal and to remove just type /postal NOTE: This defaults as the new-postals.json file.To setup the postal map, open the a file and change the variable postalFile to one of the files -> New and Improved Postals.From what I have seen, these are the most popular
Improvements in selection of postal map.Fixes to missing postals on improved postal map.Fixed issue with blip name being set to nil, clearing the screen of all other text.This script provides a simple way of working on a new postal map.In the resource a file, uncomment the cl_dev.lua requirement line.Do refresh and restart nearest-postal in-game.Teleport to the first postal code in numerical order.